
# 225 The Hidden Anguish in Moms

Part of being a good therapist is being a good listener and providing a safe place for moms to open up and tell their truth. Moms tell me many hard and challenging stories; though the stories are different, there is a common thread. It's not obvious...

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# 222 Emotionally Intelligent Teens: Interview with Dr. Melanie

What does an emotionally intelligent teen look like? Can you teach your teens to be more emotionally intelligent? Why are self-awareness, self-regulation, and awareness of others foundational for emotional intelligence? Dr. Melanie is a licensed clinical psychologist and life coach specializing in working with Gen Z-ers who...

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The Advantages of Being Daddy’s Girl

I feel like I had the best dad in the world. I knew he wasn't perfect but he never pretended to be. He gave me so many gifts growing up and was my rock through my turbulent teenage years. The most invaluable gift he gave me...

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# 221 What’s Getting Into My Daughter

Why do 57% of our teen girls struggle with persistent sadness? To answer this question I brought in Dr. Orie who is the author of What's Getting into My Daughter?: 7 Golden Rules for Helping Her Thrive through the New Challenges of Young Womanhood DR. ORIE...

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HELP: Social Media in the Summer

On May 23, 2023, the Surgeon General Issued New Advisory About the Effects Social Media Use has on Youth Mental Health. (This article is worth your read The advisory states, "Recent research shows that adolescents who spend more than three hours per day on social...

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#218 How to Parent Without Anger: Interview with Renee Mill

  Do you think it’s possible to parent teens without anger? Our guest today thinks so. Renée Mill is a senior clinical psychologist, author, and corporate speaker who is passionate about helping people overcome anxiety and stress. With over 20 years of experience, she has become a...

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I Want My Life Back

Last week Sara came in to see me at my private practice. Sara had that spaced-out, frazzled look. She said, "I want my life back. It's only the first week of summer and I'm ready for school to start." Sara really didn't want school to start,...

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