
When to “Tune Out” Your Teenage Daughter

Mothers have an amazing skill. Since your daughter was a baby you have learned how to tune in to her every look, movement, and sound she's ever made. By the time your daughter is a teenager, your 'tuning in' skill is highly developed. Now, it...

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How to Dial Down the Worry

What do you worry about? If you haven't worried about anything this past week, then don't read this article. But I'm guessing you have. :) Even the most enlightened and spiritual will find themselves in a state of worry. We worry about different things. We worry about...

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Who’s Ready for a New Start this New Year?

I want to wish you and your family a Happy New Year! Before this year takes off with lightning speed, I'd like to encourage you to take some time to give yourself the gift of reflection. See as moms we can be taking care of everyone else...

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What are Your Expectations This Holiday Season

What should you expect this holiday season? What can you expect? Much is written about expectations. Don't set your expectations too high. Don't set your expectations too low. Set realistic expectations. I think there is value in each of those statements. And I have something to add. Your expectations...

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How to Dial Down the Holiday Drama

Recently a mom told me, "I'm so sick of hearing the song, It's the most wonderful time of the year, everywhere I go. Really . . . the most wonderful time of the year??? The problem is I have a teenaged daughter." Here's the deal. The...

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Tis the Season of Blessing or Stressing

Get prepared for the Holidays. The shopping malls have been ready since October with decorations of shiny tinsel, red bows, gigantic wreaths, and white lights. Thanksgiving is almost here and then the busy season hits. If you are not intentional you will be swept away in the...

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Perspective: Parenting Teenage Girls

I was talking to Chelsea a 15-year-old girl a few days ago. She's gorgeous and tall, yet she looked small sitting on my office couch. I asked her what was going on. She looked out the window and said, "Everyone hates me at school. I am...

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What To Do When Your Daughter’s Upset

Your daughter is going to get upset. The question is how will you handle it? This is a hard one for moms. We hate to see our daughters unhappy, so we jump in and try to fix it, but we make it worse. Your daughter needs what...

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How Your Teens Undeveloped Brain Impacts You

My family loves to tell stories. One of my favorites is when my sister was 13. My dad, sister and I were down at Memorial Park in Houston. We had hiked down to Buffalo Bayou. The bayou is brown and murky and God knows what...

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The Blessings are Coming . . .

I love the ocean. I enjoy the smell of the ocean, the song of the seagulls and the sound of waves crashing upon the shore. Nothing feeds my soul like the ocean. Last week it was still warm so I went to the beach. I watched one...

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What Needs to Change this School Year?

Summer is starting to fade away, and the reality hits us. Another school year is upon us. For many mothers the first day of school is a happy day. You get your time and space back. You can relax because you know your daughter is back...

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