
# 216 Set Yourself Up for Summer

I recently asked a mom about her summer plans, and she said, "I can't [caption id="attachment_7567" align="alignright" width="300"] cheerful fit family jogging at the beach in the morning[/caption] even go there." I completely understand this, we are so busy with the craziness of May that we can't...

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How to Get My Teen to Exercise

There are physiological reasons why exercise decreases drama. I know when I exercise consistently I am more patient and pleasant to be around. The same is true for your teenager. Consistent exercise, especially cardio, decreases stress and therefore will decrease drama. The Problem is current trends...

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#208 The Epic Journey of Motherhood

So what is the criteria for our daily grading scale of "A" or "F"? Most often our grade is based on how well our teen is behaving or performing. The reasoning here is that if your teen is doing well, you are a good mom...

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Signs of Growth in Your Teen

The sky was deep blue, no humidity, and the temperature was 60 degrees. I decided to take advantage of this beautiful day in Houston. Days like these are rare in Houston and I wasn't going to miss it. The red buds were out and some...

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