Mom Mode is the way or manner you mother your teen or young adult? There are many modes but not all of them are healthy or helpful for you or your child. Your Mom Mode determines how you experience your teen and your life. This two-minute quiz will give you the clarity you need to identify if your mode is giving you the results you want or if it’s time to choose a new Mom Mode that will enhance your relationships and your life.
For over twenty-eight years, Colleen O’Grady, MA,
has helped millions of moms from around the world
reclaim their lives and reconnect to their teens and young adults.
You dreamed of having a baby. You envisioned being close with your child and enjoying life together. You dreamed your teen would have a bright future and you would too.
Drama is the enemy of the dream. Drama is destructive. It damages relationships and wounds hearts and souls. Drama happens when emotions spiral out of control. Drama is reactive.
DIAL DOWN THE DRAMA and DIAL UP THE DREAM were written after spending 50,000 hours working with parents and teens as a licensed therapist and mothering my own daughter.
Dial Down the Drama is practical, science based, with relatable stories. It’s foundational for parenting tweens and teens in this stressful culture. Dial Down the Drama empowers you to be an intentional mom instead of a reactive mom. Dial Down the Drama helps you reduce conflict, reconnect with your teen and reclaim your life.
Dial Up the Dream is the sequel to Dial Down the Drama and picks up in junior-senior year and guides you through the mid-twenties. Dial Up the Dream provides a roadmap for moms in these confusing and ambiguous emerging young adult years. It helps you protect your relationship with your daughter as she walks the tightrope between finding her way and needing your support. Dial Up the Dream is not only about your daughter’s dream, it’s about your dream as well.
Dial up the love, connection, authenticity, liveliness, hilarity, and adventure that comes from raising a teen and young adult. Raise your expectations for what’s possible for these teenage and young adult years.
Make Your Daughters Journey to
Adulthood the Best – For Both of You
Reducing Conflict and Reconnecting
with Your Teenage Daughter
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