
The Blessings are Coming . . .

I love the ocean. I enjoy the smell of the ocean, the song of the seagulls, and the sound of waves crashing upon the shore. Nothing feeds my soul like the ocean. Last week it was still warm so I went to the beach. I watched one...

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Dressing Room Drama

I just got back from an amazing vacation with my family in Kauai. And one thing about having a 27-year-old daughter is that she will keep you honest and point out things that you have been ignoring. What I have been ignoring is my bathing suit....

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#176 ADHD in Teens: What Questions to Ask?

Do you wonder if your teen has ADHD? Well, I have invited back Dr. Norrine Russell . She recently published, Asking the Right Questions about ADHD Before, During and After your Child's Diagnosis.  Dr. Norrine Russell began Russell Coaching for Students in 2009, now a premier...

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# 175 Want More Peace?

Can you be a parent of a teen and be at peace? Not 100% of the time. But yes you can be a mom and chase after peace. It's good for you and your teen. In this episode we will explore five ways moms lose their peace and...

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#173 Balancing Teens Autonomy and Parental Control

In this episode we are going to talk about all things control. I think there can be a lot of confusion for parents around control. You hear phrases like keep your teens under control because you don’t want them to be out of control and then you hear don’t...

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# 172 Changing Teen’s Lives with Hypnosis

Have you ever thought, "I wish I could just hypnotize my teen so that they would . . ." Our guest today Dr. Ran Anbar is going to talk about how you can change teens and adult lives through hypnosis. Many people have negative connotations and...

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