
#159 The Importance of Staying Grounded:

Staying grounded is one of the best ways to dial down the drama. However for most moms "staying grounded” is not on the top of your daily to do list. It probably is not on your list at all. What do I mean by being grounded.? (You may...

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I Want My Life Back

Last week Sara came to see me in my private practice. Sara had that spaced-out, frazzled look. She said, "I want my life back. It's only the first week of summer and I'm ready for school to start." Sara really didn't want school to start, what...

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How to Get My Teen to Exercise

There are physiological reasons why exercise decreases drama. I know when I exercise consistently I am more patient and pleasant to be around. The same is true for your teenager. Consistent exercise, especially cardio, decreases stress and therefore will decrease drama. The Problem is current trends...

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#156 Boys and Body Image:

How do we help boys develop positive body image? In this episode I interview Dr Charlotte Markey, a leading body image expert for close to three decades. While body image concerns have traditionally been considered a female-centric issue, recent research suggests that 75% of adolescent boys are dissatisfied with their bodies. Now more than...

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#155 Girls Without Limits: Interview with Lisa Hinkelman

In this episode I have a great conversation with Lisa Hinkelman, author of Girls Without Limits: Helping Girls Succeed in Relationships, Academics, Careers, and Life. Lisa has recently released her second edition of Girls Without Limits, Her first edition was published in 2013. Lisa and I...

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Signs of Growth in Your Teen

The sky was deep blue, no humidity, and the temperature was 60 degrees. I decided to take advantage of this beautiful day in Houston. Days like these are rare in Houston and I wasn't going to miss it. The redbuds were out and some of...

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What is a Successful Teenager?

Defining success is tricky, especially when it comes to your teenager. Would you say your teen is successful? Would you say your teen was successful? These are uncomfortable questions for both you and your teen. Here's why. This culture defines success in terms of ranking from the...

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