
I Want My Life Back

Last week Sara came to see me in my private practice. Sara had that spaced out, frazzled look. She said, "I want my life back. It's only the first week of summer and I'm ready for school to start." Sara really didn't want school to start,...

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I Just Want to be Appreciated!

If I were to ask you, "How much do you feel appreciated on a scale of 1 to 10 by your kids, husband, partner, friends, family, or work?" What would you say? I have talked to plenty of moms who feel they were appreciated at...

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#064 How to Recover and Rebound Fast Part Two

[caption id="attachment_4946" align="alignright" width="1999"] mother and daughter with outstretched arms in nature[/caption] In this episode we talk about How to Recover and Rebound Fast Part Two. Last episode I focused on how you can recover by paying attention to you (and not ignoring your needs), honoring...

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#063 How to Recover and Rebound Fast After Drama

[caption id="attachment_4943" align="alignright" width="421"] Portrait Of Mother Sitting With Teenage Daughter On Sofa[/caption] In this time when you are quarantined with your teens, and dealing with the daily bad news of covid-19, stock market, and the economy, you can see an increase in drama in your...

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# 061 What is a Mom Going to Do?

Moms, I want to encourage you in this global crises. I know your life is up in the air and upside down and for this reason I wanted to give you eight practical ways to stay grounded and steady in these uncertain times. First, I...

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#058 How to Think About Your Teen

What you think about your teen greatly impacts you, your parenting and your teen. How you think about your teen is not hidden from your teen. It is very evident to them. You wear the delight, the joy or the fear, sadness or anger on your...

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#057 What Moms Should and Should Not Tolerate

[caption id="attachment_4926" align="alignright" width="424"] Angry parent with loud teenager with pink hair[/caption] In this episode you'll explore what moms should and should not tolerate. An important question to ask yourself at the start of a new year is, "What am I tolerating in my life?" Clue,...

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#056 How to Get a Positive Response From Your Teen

[caption id="attachment_4923" align="alignright" width="425"] mother and daughter at home playing with jack russel[/caption] I have spent a lot of time listening to what frustrates moms. At the top of the list is not being able to communicate to their teens. When I dig down and ask...

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#055 Mom, Be Kind to Yourself

[caption id="attachment_4920" align="alignright" width="432"] Middle aged lady with two small puppies on a walk through the bluebells by the side of the Potamac rive[/caption] Moms have no problem being hard on themselves, but often have a hard time being kind to themselves. Moms don’t do this intentionally....

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#54 What Do You Expect?

This episode focuses on expectations and parenting. To be human is to have expectations. Our expectations can help us feel hopeful. They can help us get through hard times and transitions. But they can also cause parents a lot of pain and be the impetus...

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#053 Gratitude: Are You Feeling It?

[caption id="attachment_4907" align="alignright" width="849"] Mother and daughter in a affectionate pose outdoors.[/caption] This episode is about, Gratitude: Are You Feeling It? Even though Thanksgiving is just a few days away, this podcast is about (way) more than just Thanksgiving, this info is relevant 365 days a...

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#052 How to Keep Your Teens Safe Online

[caption id="attachment_4904" align="alignright" width="849"] Angry woman behind excited teen on mobile phone[/caption] In this episode I discuss How to Keep Your Teens Safe Online. with Diana Graber. Snapchat, Instagram, Fortnite, cyberbullying, sexting, and technology addiction are some of the digital concerns that keep today’s parents up at...

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#051 Parenting: Through the Lens of Experience

[caption id="attachment_4598" align="alignright" width="425"] middle aged mother and teen daughter chatting on bed[/caption] Today we are going to look at parenting, through the lens of experience. There are many lenses in which we can examine parenting, like mindset. Today we will focus on the lens of...

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