
How Being Thankful Transforms Your Parenting

I remember when my daughter was about three watching her nap in her very pink room. She was sleeping peacefully and looked like an angel. At that moment I was aware of what an amazing gift had been entrusted to me. I felt this overwhelming...

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The Gift of The Kumquat Tree

I was so organized last night. I wrote out my agenda for the next day. Looking at my planner I was excited because I only had a few clients and some big chunks of time. With some peace and quiet, I could  blast through my list. When...

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“A Woman’s Work is Never Done” Really?

I am sure you have heard the expression, “A Woman’s Work is Never Done.” It seems this comes from an old rhymed couplet, “Man may work from sun to sun, but woman's work is never done.” I know this is supposed to be descriptive, giving...

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Do it Now

Do you want to feel good today? Then do the ‘thing’ that you are avoiding, and do it now! Think about all the time and energy you waste by avoiding doing the ‘thing’ whatever that ‘thing’ is. You know what I am talking about. It’s the...

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Waves of Blessings

I was in Miami Beach and I had just finished two amazing days with my Platinum Coaching Group and my heart was full. I stood in the clear blue-green water of the Atlantic Ocean and watched wave after wave roll towards me, and then crash...

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All Mothered Out: Here are 5 things that can help!

Are you All Mothered Out? Don’t worry you are not alone. This happens to all moms. It is something moms aren’t proud of. It is not what you announce at the PTO meeting. Somehow we have been given this message that good mothers never get Mothered Out....

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Space Cushions

  I am taking an online defensive driving course. I could say I am taking the course because I wanted to lower my car insurance, which is partially true. But the truth is, I was speeding and got a ticket. There you have it. The secret...

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