teens Tag

# 225 The Hidden Anguish in Moms

Part of being a good therapist is being a good listener and providing a safe place for moms to open up and tell their truth. Moms tell me many hard and challenging stories; though the stories are different, there is a common thread. It's not obvious...

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# 222 Emotionally Intelligent Teens: Interview with Dr. Melanie

What does an emotionally intelligent teen look like? Can you teach your teens to be more emotionally intelligent? Why are self-awareness, self-regulation, and awareness of others foundational for emotional intelligence? Dr. Melanie is a licensed clinical psychologist and life coach specializing in working with Gen Z-ers who...

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#218 How to Parent Without Anger: Interview with Renee Mill

  Do you think it’s possible to parent teens without anger? Our guest today thinks so. Renée Mill is a senior clinical psychologist, author, and corporate speaker who is passionate about helping people overcome anxiety and stress. With over 20 years of experience, she has become a...

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# 216 Set Yourself Up for Summer

I recently asked a mom about her summer plans, and she said, "I can't [caption id="attachment_7567" align="alignright" width="300"] cheerful fit family jogging at the beach in the morning[/caption] even go there." I completely understand this, we are so busy with the craziness of May that we can't...

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#208 The Epic Journey of Motherhood

So what is the criteria for our daily grading scale of "A" or "F"? Most often our grade is based on how well our teen is behaving or performing. The reasoning here is that if your teen is doing well, you are a good mom...

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#202 Parenting with Sanity and Joy: Interview with Sue Groner

What can parents do to raise confident and resilient teens? How do you reduce sibling rivalry? How can you stop being the homework/screentime/food/sleep warden? To address these issues I have invited Sue G. Groner to be our guest. As the founder of The Parenting Mentor, a multifaceted platform for parents...

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