moms Tag

#117 Should You Trust Your Teen?

Should you trust your teen? [caption id="attachment_5575" align="alignright" width="300"] I don't know what to do![/caption] Has your teen ever said to you, Why don’t you trust me? I’ve seen so many moms come into my practice reeling from that question. Why would moms be so bothered by that...

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#087 The Empathy Advantage

  Today we are going to talk about all things empathy. Why should you care about empathy? In this episode we answer this question. Empathy is on the decline in our culture and we will look at why. How does social media and out digital world impact...

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#078 “MOM, Why Don’t You Trust Me!”

Has your teen ever said to you, "Why don't you trust me?" My guess is they have. This usually happens when you’ve questioned what your teen said, or you’ve said no to something he/she really wanted to do. When a teen says, "You don't trust me,"...

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#077 What’s Your Story?

[caption id="attachment_5113" align="alignright" width="849"] Portrait of a smiling woman lying on carpet with a wineglass , looking away[/caption] In this episode we explore the stories we tell ourselves and how they impact our lives and relationships. We have now lived in six months of uncertainty and...

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#076 Mom, Is There More For You?

Is there more for you? In the teenage years you focus on your son or daughters future. You want them to have every opportunity possible and you’d sacrifice everything to make that happen. You want them to get the internship in Spain. You want them to...

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#075 A Surprising Way to Be a Leader in Your Home

[caption id="attachment_5104" align="alignright" width="424"] A young female car driver adjusts the rear view mirror with her hand.[/caption] In this episode we talk about a surprising way to be a leader in your home. My good friend Sue Ludwig and I were talking about Dr. Jill Bolte...

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#067 Teens, Screens, and Quarantine

In this episode I am bringing you another powerhouse guest to help your through this quarantine time with your teen. . .Diana Graber. Diana Graber is the author of “Raising Humans in a Digital World: Helping Kids Build a Healthy Relationship with Technology” (HarperCollins Leadership). She...

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#063 How to Recover and Rebound Fast After Drama

[caption id="attachment_4943" align="alignright" width="421"] Portrait Of Mother Sitting With Teenage Daughter On Sofa[/caption] In this time when you are quarantined with your teens, and dealing with the daily bad news of covid-19, stock market, and the economy, you can see an increase in drama in your...

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# 061 What is a Mom Going to Do?

Moms, I want to encourage you in this global crises. I know your life is up in the air and upside down and for this reason I wanted to give you eight practical ways to stay grounded and steady in these uncertain times. First, I...

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