#082 Teens and Vaping: What Moms Need to Know: Interview With Dr. Kandi Walker

Vape teenagers. Two young cute girls in casual clothes smoke electronic cigarettes near nonsmoking guy outdoors in the street in summer day. Bad habit that is harmful to health. Vaping activity.
What’s going on with teens and e cigarettes?
Dr. Kandi Walker answers this question.
Dr. Walker is a Professor in the Department of Communication and part of the Christine Lee Brown Envirome Institute at the University of Louisville in Louisville, Kentucky. For over 20 years her work has explored the intersection between health and interpersonal communication looking at how people perceive the social world surrounding health issues. Her research primarily focuses on health, family, and interpersonal communication; specifically, her research examines how people talk and behave when an illness is present, how people perceive healthy lifestyles, and how people perceive and communicate about risky health behaviors, such as tobacco. With the American Heart Association’s Tobacco Regulation and Addiction Center, Dr. Walker has researched youth perceptions surrounding tobacco use.
Here are some of the questions that we address.
·Is e-cigarette use or vaping an issue for teens? How many youth are using e-cigarettes?
What risks are associated with vaping?
What advice do you have with talking with teens about vaping? How do I talk with my teen about vaping?
There is some evidence that vaping leads smoking initiation. What are your thoughts on this issue?
Is vaping safer than cigarettes?
What is the connection between vaping and using other tobacco products?
What is the difference between e-cigarettes and Juul?
Why is Juuling or vaping unsafe for youth and young adults?
What role do flavors play with vaping?
You can reach Dr. Walker at kandi.walker@louisville.edu.