
#012 Are You All Mothered Out?

Are you feeling "All Mothered Out"? You are definitely not alone. This has become a cultural phenomenon for women. In this podcast you will learn why so many moms feel "All Mothered Out" and how you can turn that around. This is the first podcast in my...

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The Importance of Imperfect Progress

Every mom wants to see that her daughter is making progress. You hope to see your daughter moving forward and progressing in her academics, creativity, relationships, responsibility and maturity. This yearning is instinctual in moms and feels like it is written in our DNA. Because this feeling...

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Happy Freedom Day!

The fourth of July is a day to celebrate our country's freedom. How about you? Do you need a little freedom? How about a little emotional freedom, especially when it comes to your daughter's drama? Your daughter can be happy, angry, sad, stressed, and hyper in a...

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What Hat Should I Wear?

I am from Texas and yes I do have a cowboy hat. I don't wear it all the time but you never know when I might feel the urge to wear it. There is a certain feeling and persona I feel when I wear a...

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Time to Let Go of False Mother Guilt

Why is it that so many moms feel bad about their parenting? I think one big reason for this is Mother's Guilt. Webster dictionary defines guilt as a bad feeling caused by knowing or thinking that you have done something bad or wrong. Mother's guilt is when this...

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A Much Needed Break

The last month of school can get crazy. Many of you have been living your lives at 100 miles per hour with all of the end of the year activities. Your daughter thought that summer would never come, and the finals and projects would never stop....

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12 Days of Mothers Day

How many of you worked on Mother's Day? Probably most of you did. It's great to get the cards, flowers, and be taken to lunch or dinner. It's wonderful to be appreciated for all that you do. But it's not enough. Here's why. I know that most moms are...

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How to Think About Your Daughter’s Mistakes

Your daughter is going to make mistakes. How do I know this? Teens are hard-wired to make mistakes. In other words because of where teens are developmentally they will make mistakes. How you think about your daughter's mistakes matters significantly. Whether you are able to see her missteps...

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