
Why We Need Space

I am taking an online defensive driving course. I could say I am taking the course because I wanted to lower my car insurance, which is partially true. But the truth is, I was speeding and got a ticket. There you have it. The secret...

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Signs of Growth in Your Teen

The sky was deep blue, no humidity, and the temperature was 60 degrees. I decided to take advantage of this beautiful day in Houston. Days like these are rare in Houston and I wasn't going to miss it. The redbuds were out and some of...

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#034 Help for Moms with Strong Willed Daughters

[caption id="attachment_4410" align="alignright" width="286"] Isolated portrait of beautiful black teenage girl pouting[/caption] My friend sent me a post that said, "Check on your friends with strong willed daughters. We are not ok." I laughed but what really struck me is how many thousands of moms had...

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#033 How to Handle the Big Breakup

[caption id="attachment_4406" align="alignright" width="425"] Teens having fun on the beach.[/caption] You need to be prepared when your teen has their first big break up. Parents see the worst version of their teen after a breakup. This makes it hard for you to help your teen and...

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When Your Daughter Doesn’t Appreciate You

One of our core needs as moms are to feel appreciated. And when we don't get the appreciation from our kids or even our partners day after day after day, it affects us deeply. We can lose our motivation, our energy, our worth, and definitely...

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#033 What is a Successful Mom

[caption id="attachment_4392" align="alignright" width="424"] A young female car driver adjusts the rear view mirror with her hand.[/caption] Why is it that you can be a CEO of a company and feel on top of the world and yet a sassy teenager can bring you to your...

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#030 Are You a Worried Mom or a Reflective Mom

Every mom worries. You can't eliminate worry. Parenting a teen gives you endless things to worry about. Worry can be useful if it leads to effective action. But too often worry is just wasted energy. It doesn't lead to solutions it just leads to...

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What’s Good About Teens?

I love being around teenagers. They have an energy and joy that's contagious. When you can get past the drama, you can see the teenager's wonderful attributes and qualities, many of which we have lost as adults. Yes, teens can be emotionally reactive but they can...

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How to Dial Down the Worry

What do you worry about? If you haven't worried about anything this past week, then don't read this article. But I'm guessing you have. :) Even the most enlightened and spiritual will find themselves in a state of worry. We worry about different things. We worry about...

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Why Mother Fog is the Gateway to Drama

What is Mother Fog? Mother Fog is when there are so many things going on at one time that you can't think clearly. This happens all the time with mothers. It's like your mind is covered with a thick, soupy, dense fog, and your thoughts, feelings, decisions,...

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Tis the Season of Blessing or Stressing

Get prepared for the Holidays. The shopping malls have been ready since October with decorations of shiny tinsel, red bows, gigantic wreaths, and white lights. Thanksgiving is almost here and then the busy season hits. If you are not intentional you will be swept away in the...

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