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Last night I was in the middle of something when my daughter came into the room and said let's go watch a movie. I said "Give me 15 minutes." She said back to me, "You know Mom I will be gone to college in...
Read MoreLast night I was in the middle of something when my daughter came into the room and said let's go watch a movie. I said "Give me 15 minutes." She said back to me, "You know Mom I will be gone to college in...
Read MoreHow many of you worked on Mother's Day? Probably most of you did. It's great to get the cards, flowers, and be taken to lunch or dinner. It's wonderful to be appreciated for all that you do. But it's not enough. Here's why. I know that most moms are...
Read MoreMy daughter is so stubborn. She argues about everything She won't listen to anything I say If I say one thing, she blows a gasket I'll ask her about her day and all she says is fine. She's so disrespectful. It's like she's in...
Read MoreDo you wonder why you are not enjoying your life? You wanted to be a mother. On paper it looked good. You have the house, kids, work, and the husband (or no husband). You have food in the refrigerator. You tell yourself, "There are so...
Read MoreThe greatest gift you can give your daughter is to believe in her. It's one thing to believe in your beautiful baby girl cooing in your arms but it's another thing to believe in your angry teenage girl who just threw the F-bomb at you. Your 'belief'...
Read MoreI was at a workshop and my mentor left us with this question. "What are you tolerating in your life?" The first thing I thought was, I've heard this before. (Like, if I heard it before then I wouldn't have to pay attention to the question.) Then...
Read MoreYes, teen girls can be drama queens, but mom's can be drama mamas. "What are you talking about? It's my daughter's fault. She is rude, disrespectful, and defiant." I know it's easy to focus on your daughter's behavior, but it's easy for mom's to join the...
Read MoreAre you tired of the same old story? What does this mean? It means you are tired of having your life repeat the same 'story' over and over again. You feel trapped in a story you don't even want. It feels like everyone else is in...
Read MoreThis week I have talked to several confused and distraught mothers. Though each situation was different they had one common denominator. These mothers dismissed their intuition and trusted others opinions over their own. Because of this, things weren't going well with their families. These...
Read MoreSometimes the answer is no. It has to be, if you are going to protect your daughter. This is not the fun part of being a parent. There she is standing in front of you in her mature grown up body. She tells you, she can handle...
Read More"We get along great on vacations!" I can't tell you how many times I have heard this in my private practice. Why is it, that families (and couples) who fight all the time at home, can enjoy each other on vacations? The answer is STRESS. The Conspiracy of...
Read MoreDefining success is a tricky, especially when it comes to your teenager. If I asked you if your daughter or son was successful what would you say? Would your daughter say she is successful? These are uncomfortable questions for both you and your daughter. Here's why. This culture defines...
Read MoreI have read over 25 parenting books for teens in the past couple of years in preparation for writing my book. For a while it felt like, I'd get a package from Amazon every week. My daughter was always disappointed to see another parenting book....
Read MoreI am taking an online defensive driving course. I could say I am taking the course because I wanted to lower my car insurance, which is partially true. But the truth is, I was speeding and got a ticket. There you have it. The secret...
Read MoreWe call it multi-tasking. Women pride themselves for being able to do a million things at once. Here's my question. How's it working for you? I remember hearing a speaker say that meditation is doing one thing at a time. For mothers this seems like a luxury. It's not...
Read MoreHas your computer ever been attacked by viruses and spyware? It can drive you nuts. Your computer starts going real slow and it feels like you are waiting forever for your email to download. And the longer the virus and spyware runs, the more it...
Read MoreHave you recovered from the Holidays and the first week back to school? I wouldn’t be surprised if you are All Mothered Out. You know if you are All Mothered Out because… You have no patience, especially with your kids. You feel like you are going to implode...
Read MoreHave you ever complained, "My husband won't stop and ask for directions." (or check his GPS) Then you go on to say, "We wasted the afternoon driving all over town. If we had stopped--it would have taken us 5 minutes and we'd been there on...
Read MoreIt is supposed to be the most Wonderful Time of the Year. Our expectations are super high. It is definitely the busiest time of the year. When you combine super high expectations with exhaustion you are set up for disappointment. So create a new tradition. Be Kind to...
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