teens Tag

#051 Parenting: Through the Lens of Experience

[caption id="attachment_4598" align="alignright" width="425"] middle aged mother and teen daughter chatting on bed[/caption] Today we are going to look at parenting, through the lens of experience. There are many lenses in which we can examine parenting, like mindset. Today we will focus on the lens of...

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#046 Mom . . . It’s Not Personal

Often moms are told to "not take things personally," which could be said by a well-meaning spouse. Sometimes those words are said to shut down the conversation that mom desperately needs to have. Well, that's not helpful. However in this episode we are going to...

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#044 Does Your Teen Stress You Out?

[caption id="attachment_4660" align="alignright" width="849"] Angry woman behind excited teen on mobile phone[/caption] Does your teen stress you out? If you have a normal teenager then the answer should be yes and the reason for that is where they are developmentally and I talk about the science...

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#042 Why Intentional Downtime is a Big Deal

The new school year is starting soon or may have already started. Before the year takes off at full time speed, I want to discuss why intentional downtime is a big deal. With our busy schedules downtime is not going to happen naturally, you have...

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#036 Are You Too Hard or Too Soft on Your Teen?

[caption id="attachment_4443" align="alignright" width="425"] Teenage girl consoling her sad upset friend[/caption] I hear parents second guess themselves saying things like, "I wasn't hard enough on him," or " I was too soft on her." And what they are really talking about is their parenting approach in...

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#034 Help for Moms with Strong Willed Daughters

[caption id="attachment_4410" align="alignright" width="286"] Isolated portrait of beautiful black teenage girl pouting[/caption] My friend sent me a post that said, "Check on your friends with strong willed daughters. We are not ok." I laughed but what really struck me is how many thousands of moms had...

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#033 What is a Successful Mom

[caption id="attachment_4392" align="alignright" width="424"] A young female car driver adjusts the rear view mirror with her hand.[/caption] Why is it that you can be a CEO of a company and feel on top of the world and yet a sassy teenager can bring you to your...

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What’s Good About Teens?

I love being around teenagers. They have an energy and joy that's contagious. When you can get past the drama, you can see the teenager's wonderful attributes and qualities, many of which we have lost as adults. Yes, teens can be emotionally reactive but they can...

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What’s Good About Teens?

I love being around teenagers. They have an energy and joy that's contagious. When you can get past the drama, you can see the teenager's wonderful attributes and qualities, many of which we have lost as adults. Yes, teens can be emotionally reactive but they can...

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What’s Good About Teens?

I love being around teenagers. They have an energy and joy that's contagious. When you can get past the drama, you can see the teenager's wonderful attributes and qualities, many of which we have lost as adults. Yes, teens can be emotionally reactive but they can...

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#025 Why You Need A Long-Term Perspective

Why do you need a long-term perspective when parenting a teenager? The answer comes from the final Chapter in my book, Dial Down the Drama: Reducing Conflict and Reconnecting with Your Teenage Daughter. It's important to remember that we were once teenagers and we did a...

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#024 How to be Your Daughter’s Dream Maker

"How to be your daughter's (or son's) dream maker" is a complicated question.  Your daughter or son may not know what they want to be when they grow up. Your son is set to get a scholarship for baseball in college but he decides his senior year...

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