Don’t Miss It
Last night I was in the middle of something when my daughter came into the room and said let's go watch a movie. I said "Give me 15 minutes." She said back to me, "You know Mom I will be gone to college in 2...
Read MoreLast night I was in the middle of something when my daughter came into the room and said let's go watch a movie. I said "Give me 15 minutes." She said back to me, "You know Mom I will be gone to college in 2...
Read MoreSummer is around the corner but first you have to get through projects, papers, finals--oh my. This is not only challenging for your daughter but it is challenging for you because your daughter is stressed. Stress is contagious and if you are not intentional you will...
Read MoreToday is a continuation of last week's article "Sometimes a Manicure Won't Cut It: What Mothers Need to Feel Good." It's extremely challenging for mothers to pay attention to their needs. Here is what we tell ourself. It's selfish to focus on yourself Family comes first but your time...
Read MoreDo you wonder why you are not enjoying your life? You wanted to be a mother. On paper it looked good. You have the house, kids, work, and the husband (or no husband). You have food in the refrigerator. You tell yourself, “There are so...
Read MoreThe greatest gift you can give your daughter is to believe in her. Its one thing to believe in your beautiful baby girl cooing in your arms but it’s another thing to believe in your angry teenage girl who just threw the F-bomb at you. Your ‘belief’...
Read MoreThis week I have talked to several confused and distraught mothers. Though each situation was different they had one common denominator. These mothers dismissed their intuition and trusted others opinions over their own. Because of this things weren’t going well with their families. These mothers...
Read More‘A Mother’s Heart’ is not talked about in the parenting books. Most parenting books focus on giving you tools and techniques to get through the teenage issues. These books are very helpful but there is more. The more is about mom as a person. Mothers are more...
Read MoreYou are just trying to be helpful and you say, “You're not going to learn anything if you are on facebook, texting, and watching You Tube videos while you are trying to study for your test.” You go on to say, “If you want to...
Read MoreSometimes the answer is no. It has to be, if we are going to protect our daughters. This is not the fun part of being a parent. There she is standing in front of you in her mature grown up body. She tells you, she can handle...
Read More“We get along great on vacations!” I can’t tell you how many times I have heard this in my private practice. Why is it, that families (and couples) who fight all the time at home, can enjoy each other on vacations? The answer is STRESS. The...
Read MoreWomen are exhausted! I mean really exhausted. I have been hearing this lately from women everywhere. I have heard it from women who have been on my retreats, my friends, my therapy clients, and mothers from my coaching programs. Women get this message that we are...
Read More“We don’t want perfect moms. My mom was the perfect child and she expects me to be perfect. She doesn’t bend. It has to be her way. As hard as I try to please her, I feel unworthy.” Jenny said this last week in...
Read MoreSome people call it the ‘Critical Internal Dialogue’. I just call it the Mean Voice. Beware of the Mean Voice. It robs you of enjoying your life. What is the Mean Voice? The Mean Voice is an internal dialogue. Often we are not aware of it because...
Read MoreHave you ever complained, “My husband won’t stop and ask for directions.” Then you go on to say, “We wasted an hour driving all over town. If we had stopped—it would have taken us 5 minutes and we’d been there on time.” But moms, we’re guilty...
Read More(Yes this week is crazy busy and those of you who have taken time to read this I applaud you.) Has your computer ever been attacked by viruses and spyware? It can drive you nuts. Your computer starts going real slow and it feels...
Read MoreMost people would be jealous of Lisa; beautiful, in great shape, married to her soul mate, and lives in a fabulous home. She has one teenage girl at home and one in college. So why isn’t she happy? Yesterday, in my office, Lisa was telling me about...
Read MoreLights are twinkling in our neighborhoods and holiday music is playing everywhere. The holiday season is here. I was reminded of one of my favorite Christmas songs when I was little, “All I want for my Christmas is my two front teeth….” This is very...
Read MoreGet prepared for the holidays! The shopping malls have been ready since October with decorations of shiny tinsel, red bows, gigantic wreaths, and white lights. In a blink of an eye Thanksgiving will be here and then the busy the season hits. If you are not intentional...
Read More“I want you to know I am proud of you and you are an awesome mom.” Wouldn’t it be great if someone told you that every day? How would you feel if you really believed it? “You are an awesome mom!” It feels good doesn’t it? I have listened...
Read MoreWhat do you do when you have had ‘one of those weeks’? You know the kind of week I am talking about. It’s the kind of week where you thought you had it figured out. You thought you were ahead of the game. It was...
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