
12 Days of Mother’s Days

How many of you worked on Mother's Day? Probably most of you did. It's great to get the cards, flowers, and be taken to lunch or dinner. It's wonderful to be appreciated for all that you do. But it's not enough. Here's why. I know that most moms are...

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Gratitude: Is How You Look At It

I wrote this article 3 years ago while I was a resident mom for a 3 week international summer dance intensive in Pittsburgh. My daughter who was 15 years old at the time was too young to stay in the dorm by herself. The only...

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#004: I Believe in You

The greatest gift you can give your teenage son or daughter is to believe in them. The real question is--what do you believe about them? And what you believe, boils down to what you focus on. If you focus on their good qualities and you combine...

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A Mother’s Intuition

Do you believe in a mother's intuition? If you do believe in this intuition, do you act on it? This week I have talked to several confused and distraught mothers. Though each situation was different they had one common denominator. These mothers dismissed their intuition and...

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#003: What Moms Need to Know

In this show I talk about the number one reason moms don’t enjoy their life and their teens. Believe me there are lots of reasons moms don’t enjoy the teenage years, but I believe the core reason for this is what I call Powerless Parenting...

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#002: Why Power Your Parenting?

In this show you'll learn how I define the POWER in parenting, in contrast to the counterfeit of true power which is force. Many moms feel powerless instead of empowered in their parenting. One big reason for this is fear. When your teen is out of...

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5 Steps to Help Busy Moms Make Time

Have you ever complained, "My husband won't stop and ask for directions." Then you go on to say, "We wasted an hour driving all over town. If we had stopped--it would have taken us 5 minutes and we'd been there on time." But moms, we're guilty...

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#001: Introduction / What to Expect

Welcome to the very first Power Your Parenting Moms with Teens Podcast. I am so happy that you are here listening to my very first show. This is a gathering place for moms to be encouraged, nurtured and inspired. Also, you’ll learn the latest in...

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Bringing Down the Wall

Have you ever felt the wall? You know the wall between you and your daughter. It's obvious when the wall is up. It feels icy. She glares at you. She walks past you in the hall. She is walled off in her room. You force her to talk...

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It’s More than Parenting Techniques

It can get really complicated parenting a teenage girl. That's why parenting techniques often feel insufficient and ineffective. It was definitely easier to discipline when she was little. If your little princess didn't want to clean her room you could give her a choice. "Sweetie, I'm...

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Space Cushions

I am taking an online defensive driving course. I could say I am taking the course because I wanted to lower my car insurance, which is partially true. But the truth is, I was speeding and got a ticket. There you have it. The secret...

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