teenage girls Tag

Teens and Depression: What Moms Can Do

Have you ever wondered if your teen was depressed? If you have, you're not alone. New York Times released this in February of 2023, "Nearly three in five teenage girls felt persistent sadness in 2021, double the rate of boys, and one in three girls seriously...

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The Advantages of Being Daddy’s Girl

I feel like I had the best dad in the world. I knew he wasn't perfect but he never pretended to be. He gave me so many gifts growing up and was my rock through my turbulent teenage years. The most invaluable gift he gave me...

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# 221 What’s Getting Into My Daughter

Why do 57% of our teen girls struggle with persistent sadness? To answer this question I brought in Dr. Orie who is the author of What's Getting into My Daughter?: 7 Golden Rules for Helping Her Thrive through the New Challenges of Young Womanhood DR. ORIE...

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#155 Girls Without Limits: Interview with Lisa Hinkelman

In this episode I have a great conversation with Lisa Hinkelman, author of Girls Without Limits: Helping Girls Succeed in Relationships, Academics, Careers, and Life. Lisa has recently released her second edition of Girls Without Limits, Her first edition was published in 2013. Lisa and I...

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#073 Stand Up To Sexting

How do you safeguard your teens from Sexting? To answer this question I interview two experts. Heather Boynton who is a mother of four (three who are currently teens) and is a professor of Child Development at Clovis Community College where she teaches a variety of...

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#072 Healthy or Stress Eating or Eating Disorder

In this episode we have a very special guest Dr. Anna Tanner. Dr. Anna Tanner, MD, FAAP, FSAHM, CEDS, is the Vice President of Medical Services for Veritas Collaborative, a national healthcare system for the treatment of eating disorders. She is a Board-Certified Pediatrician and Certified...

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#058 How to Think About Your Teen

What you think about your teen greatly impacts you, your parenting and your teen. How you think about your teen is not hidden from your teen. It is very evident to them. You wear the delight, the joy or the fear, sadness or anger on your...

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#053 Gratitude: Are You Feeling It?

[caption id="attachment_4907" align="alignright" width="849"] Mother and daughter in a affectionate pose outdoors.[/caption] This episode is about, Gratitude: Are You Feeling It? Even though Thanksgiving is just a few days away, this podcast is about (way) more than just Thanksgiving, this info is relevant 365 days a...

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Perspective: Parenting Teenage Girls

I was talking to Chelsea a 15-year-old girl a few days ago. She's gorgeous and tall, yet she looked small sitting on my office couch. I asked her what was going on. She looked out the window and said, "Everyone hates me at school. I am...

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028 How Teens Can Get Parents to Hear Them

Do your teens need better communication skills---especially when they are wanting something from you? In this podcast I interview Laura Lyles Reagan who is a family sociologist with more than 30 years of experience in practical youth development and parenting coaching. She holds a Masters in...

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#027 How to Beat Anxiety

Do you feel like you worry about your teen 24/7? Does your son and daughter seem to always be stressed? Ready to dial down the worry and the stress! In this episode I interview Jodi Aman, who has been a psychotherapist for over 20 years. Jodi is also...

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#025 Why You Need A Long-Term Perspective

Why do you need a long-term perspective when parenting a teenager? The answer comes from the final Chapter in my book, Dial Down the Drama: Reducing Conflict and Reconnecting with Your Teenage Daughter. It's important to remember that we were once teenagers and we did a...

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#024 How to be Your Daughter’s Dream Maker

"How to be your daughter's (or son's) dream maker" is a complicated question.  Your daughter or son may not know what they want to be when they grow up. Your son is set to get a scholarship for baseball in college but he decides his senior year...

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