teen Tag

How to Get My Teen to Exercise

There are physiological reasons why exercise decreases drama. I know when I exercise consistently I am more patient and pleasant to be around. The same is true for your teenager. Consistent exercise, especially cardio, decreases stress and therefore will decrease drama. The Problem is current trends...

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Signs of Growth in Your Teen

The sky was deep blue, no humidity, and the temperature was 60 degrees. I decided to take advantage of this beautiful day in Houston. Days like these are rare in Houston and I wasn't going to miss it. The red buds were out and some...

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#081 What You’re Doing Matters

[caption id="attachment_5294" align="alignright" width="425"] mother and daughter at home playing with jack russel[/caption] As you start a new semester, I want to encourage you--What You're Doing Matters! It's easy to feel like what you're doing does NOT matter, because it can feel like a thankless job, you're...

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#078 “MOM, Why Don’t You Trust Me!”

Has your teen ever said to you, "Why don't you trust me?" My guess is they have. This usually happens when you’ve questioned what your teen said, or you’ve said no to something he/she really wanted to do. When a teen says, "You don't trust me,"...

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#067 Teens, Screens, and Quarantine

In this episode I am bringing you another powerhouse guest to help your through this quarantine time with your teen. . .Diana Graber. Diana Graber is the author of “Raising Humans in a Digital World: Helping Kids Build a Healthy Relationship with Technology” (HarperCollins Leadership). She...

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#044 Does Your Teen Stress You Out?

[caption id="attachment_4660" align="alignright" width="849"] Angry woman behind excited teen on mobile phone[/caption] Does your teen stress you out? If you have a normal teenager then the answer should be yes and the reason for that is where they are developmentally and I talk about the science...

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#040 Why Curiosity Makes you a Better Parent

In this episode we'll discuss why curiosity makes you a better human being and parent. You’ll learn how healthy curiosity dials down the drama, and improves your relationship with your teen. Healthy curiosity is the secret ingredient to a well-lived life. Curiosity makes us feel...

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#035 How to Raise Creative Teens

[caption id="attachment_4438" align="alignright" width="400"] OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA[/caption] How do you foster your child/teen's creativity? Expressing your creativity through art, dance, writing, film and music is an excellent way to develop the teenage brain. The brain is having a major growth spurt during the teenage years. It...

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