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Teens and Depression: What Moms Can Do

Have you ever wondered if your teen was depressed? If you have, you're not alone. New York Times released this in February of 2023, "Nearly three in five teenage girls felt persistent sadness in 2021, double the rate of boys, and one in three girls seriously...

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HELP: Social Media in the Summer

On May 23, 2023, the Surgeon General Issued New Advisory About the Effects Social Media Use has on Youth Mental Health. (This article is worth your read The advisory states, "Recent research shows that adolescents who spend more than three hours per day on social...

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I Want My Life Back

Last week Sara came in to see me at my private practice. Sara had that spaced-out, frazzled look. She said, "I want my life back. It's only the first week of summer and I'm ready for school to start." Sara really didn't want school to start,...

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