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When to Tune Out Your Teen

Mothers have an amazing skill. Since your daughter was a baby you have learned how to tune in to her every look, movement, and sound she's ever made. By the time your daughter is a teenager, your 'tuning in' skill is highly developed. Now, it...

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Tis the Season of Blessing or Stressing

Get prepared for the Holidays. The shopping malls have been ready since October with decorations of shiny tinsel, red bows, gigantic wreaths, and white lights. Thanksgiving is almost here and then the busy season hits. If you are not intentional you will be swept away in the...

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Girls and Pressure

You want the best for your daughter. You want her in the best school, taking the best classes. You want her involved and developing her abilities and skills. You want her to be challenged and all this is important for her brain development. But there is...

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Why Mother Fog is the Gateway to Drama

What is Mother Fog? Mother Fog is when there are so many things going on at one time that you can't think clearly. This happens all the time with mothers. It's like your mind is covered with a thick, soupy, dense fog, and your thoughts, feelings, decisions,...

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How Do You Grade Yourself as a Mom?

Every mom wants to know that she's doing a good job. It's natural for moms to look for validation. We compare ourselves to other moms and other daughters, or we look to our daughter's behaviour for confirmation. This is a big trap for moms and is...

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The Blessings are Coming . . .

I love the ocean. I enjoy the smell of the ocean, the song of the seagulls and the sound of waves crashing upon the shore. Nothing feeds my soul like the ocean. Last week it was still warm so I went to the beach. I watched one...

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