daughter Tag

What Are You Tolerating?

I was at a workshop and my mentor left us with this question. "What are you tolerating in your life?" The first thing I thought was, I've heard this before. (Like, if I heard it before then I wouldn't have to pay attention to the question.) Then...

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What Does a Successful Teenage Girl Look Like?

Defining success is a tricky, especially when it comes to your teenager. If I asked you if your daughter or son was successful what would you say? Would your daughter say she is successful? These are uncomfortable questions for both you and your daughter. Here's why. This culture defines...

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Space Cushions

I am taking an online defensive driving course. I could say I am taking the course because I wanted to lower my car insurance, which is partially true. But the truth is, I was speeding and got a ticket. There you have it. The secret...

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One Thing at a Time–Really?

We call it multi-tasking. Women pride themselves for being able to do a million things at once. Here's my question. How's it working for you? I remember hearing a speaker say that meditation is doing one thing at a time. For mothers this seems like a luxury. It's not...

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5 Steps to Help Busy Moms Make Time

Have you ever complained, "My husband won't stop and ask for directions." (or check his GPS) Then you go on to say, "We wasted the afternoon driving all over town. If we had stopped--it would have taken us 5 minutes and we'd been there on...

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Tis the Season of Blessing or Stressing

Get prepared for the Holidays. The shopping malls have been ready since October with decorations of shiny tinsel, red bows, gigantic wreaths, and white lights. In a blink of an eye Thanksgiving will be here and then the busy the season hits. If you are not...

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The Problem with Pressure

You want the best for your daughter. You want her in the best school, taking the best classes. You want her involved and developing her abilities and skills. You want her to be challenged and all this is important for her brain development. But there is...

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I Feeeeeeeeeel Good

When was the last time you had that "I Feel Good" energy? The kind of energy where you crank the music up in your car and pretend you're James Browns singing, "I feeeeeeeel good." Have you done any happy dances lately? Do you wake...

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“Mom, can I go to the party?”

Your daughter is going to push you. Just when you feel you have worked through one issue another one rolls in. This is where it is super important that you are crystal clear about your decisions, boundaries and guidelines for your daughter. Your clarity is so...

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A World of Pie: Getting Past Disappointment

I love pie. All kind of pies: blueberry, chocolate pecan, peach, apple, blueberry and lemon meringue. I could go on and on. I remember Nana my grandmother making lemon meringue pies. She didn't buy the frozen crust from the grocery store. She would make a homemade...

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This School Year Can Be Different

What would you like to be different this year? This is a very important question to think about. You really can strategize and set a new tone for the year. If you don't have a plan you are going to default into the same old struggles...

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