happy Tag

 My Teen is So Negative! What Can I Do?

If your teen tends to be negative, don't worry; you're not the only one. Cheryl was taking my Power Your Parenting Program. On one of our calls, she said, "Most of the drama happens because my daughter Abby is so negative." I asked her to give...

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When to Tune Out Your Teen

Mothers have an amazing skill. Since your daughter was a baby you have learned how to tune in to her every look, movement, and sound she's ever made. By the time your daughter is a teenager, your 'tuning in' skill is highly developed. Now, it...

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When to Tune Out Your Teen

Mothers have an amazing skill. Since your daughter was a baby you have learned how to tune in to her every look, movement, and sound she's ever made. By the time your daughter is a teenager, your 'tuning in' skill is highly developed. Now, it...

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Happy Freedom Day!

The fourth of July is a day to celebrate our country's freedom. How about you? Do you need a little freedom? How about a little emotional freedom, especially when it comes to your daughter's drama? Your daughter can be happy, angry, sad, stressed, and hyper in a five...

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What Are You Tolerating?

I was at a workshop and my mentor left us with this question. "What are you tolerating in your life?" The first thing I thought was, I've heard this before. (Like, if I heard it before then I wouldn't have to pay attention to the question.) Then...

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This School Year Can Be Different

What would you like to be different this year? This is a very important question to think about. You really can strategize and set a new tone for the year. If you don't have a plan you are going to default into the same old struggles...

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