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When to Tune Out Your Teen

Mothers have an amazing skill. Since your daughter was a baby you have learned how to tune in to her every look, movement, and sound she's ever made. By the time your daughter is a teenager, your 'tuning in' skill is highly developed. Now, it...

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When to Tune Out Your Teen

Mothers have an amazing skill. Since your daughter was a baby you have learned how to tune in to her every look, movement, and sound she's ever made. By the time your daughter is a teenager, your 'tuning in' skill is highly developed. Now, it...

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Happy Freedom Day!

The fourth of July is a day to celebrate our country's freedom. How about you? Do you need a little freedom? How about a little emotional freedom, especially when it comes to your daughter's drama? Your daughter can be happy, angry, sad, stressed, and hyper in a five...

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What Are You Tolerating?

I was at a workshop and my mentor left us with this question. "What are you tolerating in your life?" The first thing I thought was, I've heard this before. (Like, if I heard it before then I wouldn't have to pay attention to the question.) Then...

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This School Year Can Be Different

What would you like to be different this year? This is a very important question to think about. You really can strategize and set a new tone for the year. If you don't have a plan you are going to default into the same old struggles...

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