
6 Ways to Create a Thriving Home Environment

What is a thriving home environment? A thriving home environment is all the circumstances, conditions, or factors that enable and encourage your family to thrive. Your daughter can be fabulous, but if she is planted in stressful or negative soil she is not going to thrive. I...

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Mothers+Teenage girls+ Food=CHALLENGING

Today we are going back to the basics. If you want your daughter feeling her best emotionally and physically she needs to maintain a healthy diet. This means that she starts her day with a healthy breakfast; this would not be a doubleshot expresso. She would...

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Happy Freedom Day!

The fourth of July is a day to celebrate our country's freedom. How about you? Do you need a little freedom? How about a little emotional freedom, especially when it comes to your daughter's drama? Your daughter can be happy, angry, sad, stressed, and hyper in a five...

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A Much Needed Break

You can feel it. This morning is different. The house is quiet. My daughter had her best friend spend the night last night and they are sleeping peacefully. The pressure is gone. It's the first day of summer. Woo Hoo!!!! My daughter couldn't wait for school to be...

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What’s The Point? (Of Discipline)

Joan just wanted to relax. She picked up her favorite book and got into bed. She had just told her 12 year old daughter Brittany to clean her room. Five minutes later her daughter starts a huge drama scene. Brittany started slamming doors and went...

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Don’t Miss It

Last night I was in the middle of something when my daughter came into the room and said let's go watch a movie. I said "Give me 15 minutes." She said back to me, "You know Mom I will be gone to college in...

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12 Days of Mother’s Days

How many of you worked on Mother's Day? Probably most of you did. It's great to get the cards, flowers, and be taken to lunch or dinner. It's wonderful to be appreciated for all that you do. But it's not enough. Here's why. I know that most moms are...

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I Believe in You

The greatest gift you can give your daughter is to believe in her. It's one thing to believe in your beautiful baby girl cooing in your arms but it's another thing to believe in your angry teenage girl who just threw the F-bomb at you. Your 'belief'...

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What Are You Tolerating?

I was at a workshop and my mentor left us with this question. "What are you tolerating in your life?" The first thing I thought was, I've heard this before. (Like, if I heard it before then I wouldn't have to pay attention to the question.) Then...

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