# 256 Teens and Vaping: Interview with Dr. Aaron Weiner
How big a deal is vaping? How many tweens and teens vape?
How does vaping impact the brain? Is vaping addictive? How should you educate your son or daughter about vaping? If you find out your tween or teen is vaping, how should you handle it?
Aaron Weiner, PhD, is a licensed, board-certified psychologist, master addiction counselor, clinician, author, and frequent speaker on addiction treatment and issues. Dr. Weiner is the immediate Past President of the Society of Addiction Psychology, serves on the Public Policy Committee for the American Society of Addiction Medicine, and is a member of the Science Advisory Board for the Foundation for Drug Policy Solutions. He earned his doctorate from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and completed his fellowship in Addiction Psychology at the VA Ann Arbor Healthcare System.
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