# 234 Rekindle Your Teen’s Motivation: Interview with Dr. Ellen Braaten
“What can I do to get my teen to ______?” “How do I get my teen to care about their homework, grades, and future?
At the heart of all of this is motivation. Nothing frustrates a mom more than an unmotivated teen.
So what can we do? Why are so many teens unmotivated? So much drama comes from trying to get your teen to do what they should do.
How do you motivate them without it being a big blow-up?
Our guest today is a mom, a well-respected researcher, and an experienced clinician.
Dr. Ellen Braaten is an experienced and prominent psychologist, researcher, speaker, and author. She currently serves as the Executive Director of the Learning and Emotional Assessment Program (LEAP) and the Kessler Family Chair in Pediatric Neuropsychological Assessment at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH). She also holds an appointment of Associate Professor at Harvard Medical School (HMS). She is the author of The Child Clinician’s Report-Writing Handbook and How to Find Mental Health Care for Your Child, and co-author of the bestselling book, Bright Kids Who Can’t Keep Up and Straight Talk About Psychological Testing for Kids. Her newest book is Bright Kids Who Couldn’t Care Less: How to Rekindle Your Child’s Motivation. She earned her MA from the University of Colorado and her PhD from Colorado State University.
Learn more at https://www.ellenbraatenphd.com/
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