#169 Teens, Writer’s Block, and College Essays: Interview with Cara Kalf
In this episode I interview Cara Kalf, who is a writer, editor and teacher who coaches high-schoolers to write their best college application essays and get ready for the top-tier schools they plan to attend. For more advice on writing, admissions, and academic success, check out carakalf.com.
Questions we address are:
What is the best way to get organized and get started on applications?
- How do you avoid writer’s block when it comes to writing your essays?
- How to help teens that are completely overwhelmed and don’t think there is anything special about their life.
- What are schools looking for in an essay? What are schools not looking for?
- What should students consider in writing supplemental essays?
- What are some traps that moms fall into when trying to help their teens with college applications.
- What is your best piece of advice for moms who are trying to motivate teens with their college applications.
Contact Cara at connect@carakalf.com, or get free resources at carakalf.com,
Follow Cara on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/carakalf/