#065 Help to Motivate Teens with Online School and Create Momentum—Interview with Neha Gupta
Hey moms I know none of you signed up to have your teens quarantined in your homes doing online school. This only adds more pressure on you. Are your teens procrastinating and not motivated? Are they spending way too much time on their phones? Are your seniors worried about getting to go to college in the fall? And what will college admissions look like next year?
I wanted to bring in an expert that can help you with this. Neha Gupta is the founder of College Shortcuts, which is a leading college admissions consulting firm that has helped tens of thousands of students achieve their academic dreams. For more than 14 years, they’ve supported students with services in mentorship, college admissions, and test prep. Their results include increased improvements in students’ confidence, reduction in stress and anxiety, and higher chances of getting into their top choice school based on their own merit. She has been on every news outlet during this crisis and is a leading expert for teens and parents in the admissions process.
This episode is full of super practical advice that will help you and your teens.
Neha has generously offered a free discovery call to those who are interested. Just go to collegeshortcuts.com/apply to sign up for your free call.