mistakes Tag

How Do You Define a Successful Teenager?

Defining success is a tricky, especially when it comes to your teenager. Would you say your teen is successful?  Would you say your teen was successful? These are uncomfortable questions for both you and your teen. Here's why. This culture defines success in terms of ranking from the...

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Dial Down the Worry in 2024

What do you worry about? If you haven't worried about anything this past week, then don't read this article. But I'm guessing you have. :) Even the most enlightened and spiritual will find themselves in a state of worry. We worry about different things.  We worry about...

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The Inner Game: Why Parenting Is So Challenging

How would you answer this question? Why is parenting your teenage daughter so challenging? Is it your daughter's attitude, defiance, rebellion, mood swings, and rude behavior? Is it her not obeying you or procrastinating? Is it her walling off in her room and not communicating? Yes, all of these things...

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How to Think About Your Daughter’s Mistakes

Your daughter is going to make mistakes. How do I know this? Teens are hard-wired to make mistakes. In other words because of where teens are developmentally they will make mistakes. How you think about your daughter's mistakes matters significantly. Whether you are able to see her missteps...

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