#277 What’s Unique About Tweens? Interview with Joann Schauf

#277 What’s Unique About Tweens? Interview with Joann Schauf

Are you navigating the tumultuous tween years with your child and wondering what makes this stage so unique? Do you find yourself caught off guard by sudden emotional outbursts and unexpected behavior changes in your 9-14 year old?

My guest today is an expert on tweens. Joann Schauf is the founder of Your Tween and You, an author and a seasoned speaker who specializes in parenting and adolescent coaching. She authors the blog, The Tween Times, and actively engages with parents through workshops and conferences. She holds a Master of Science in Counseling.

Joann Schauf discusses the crucial process of identity formation in tweens, emphasizing that this period is marked by significant changes in their sense of self. Tweens experience a variety of emotions and face confusion as they navigate their developing identities. They might express doubt, confidence, and fluctuating interests in rapid succession, all while questioning their beliefs and experimenting with different roles. Schauf highlights the importance of mothers shifting their parenting approach to be more collaborative and supportive, rather than authoritative. Moms should engage in open conversations, allow their tweens to express themselves, and offer guidance without judgment. By doing so, they provide a safe environment for tweens to explore and understand who they are becoming, fostering both independence and a strong parent-child connection.

To find more about Joann and her book, “Loving the Alien” go to https://www.yourtweenandyou.com/

Follow on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/yourtweenandyou/





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