# 178 Screens: What Teens are Facing: Interview with Emily Weinstein and Carrie James
What are adults missing
about teens and technology?
A lot. Drawing on perspectives from more than 3,500 teens, Harvard Project Zero researchers Emily Weinstein and Carrie James bring stories and data together for a powerful reframe of what teens are up against – and what teens need adults to understand.
Emily Weinstein is a Research Director at Project Zero at Harvard and a Lecturer at the Graduate School of Education. Carrie James is a sociologist and Principle Investigator at Project Zero at the Harvard Graduate School of Education. She is the author of Disconnected: Youth, New Media, and the Ethics Gap (MIT Press). The authors’ work has been covered in Time, the Boston Globe, the Washington Post, and the Atlantic, and they are sought-after speakers on teens and technology.
You can learn more at www.behindtheirscreens.com