#167 Tweens, Teens, and Social Skills: Interview with Catherine Newman
In a world where tweens and teens prefer online communication over face-to-face
communication, basic social skills are not being learned.
My guest today Catherine Newman is the author of What Can I Say: A Kid’s Guide to Super-Useful Social Skills to Help You Get Along and Express Yourself.
Middle school is an essential time to learn and practice social skills, including how to get along with others, talk about hard things, be an ally, and a good friend. In What Can I Say?, Catherine Newman, provides supportive guidance to help kids establish or and maintain meaningful relationships with friends, teachers, family members, and others in their communities.
Catherine Newman is the author of the award-winning bestseller How to Be a Person, as well as two parenting memoirs: Waiting for Birdy and Catastrophic Happiness, and a middle-grade novel, One Mixed-Up Night. She is also the co-author of Stitch Camp. Newman is the etiquette columnist for Real Simple magazine and the editor of the James Beard Award-winning kids’ cooking magazine ChopChop. Newman lives in Amherst, Massachusetts, with her family.
Visit Catherine at catherinenewmanwriter.com.
Follow on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/catherinewman/