#125 Protecting Teens From Porn : Interview with Christopher Bueker
Recent studies indicate 90 percent of teens have viewed porn online, and 10 percent admit to daily use.
Today we are going to talk about a difficult subject. Teens and pornography. Teens are especially vulnerable to pornography addiction for the same reason they are vulnerable to alcohol and drug addiction, because of where their brains are developmentally. I interview an expert who can help us protect and educate our teens about porn and how teens can recover.
Christopher Bueker has provided individual and group therapy to patients struggling with addiction and co-occurring mental health disorders. He is experienced in providing counseling services for parents couples and families. Christopher has recently published his first book, Break Free of Chains: How to Help Your Child Reconver from Pornography Addiction.
You can contact Christopher at ChristopherBueker.com
Here are some of the questions we explore:
1. How should parents react if they find out that their teen is using pornography?
2. How do I talk with my child about the harms associated with pornography? How early should they start talking to them?.
3. Can you talk about why dabbling with pornography is still risky because of the progressive nature of pornography and how teens are even more at risk with their immature brains.
4. As a parent, what should I look for that could indicate that my child or adolescent is using pornography?
5. As a parent, what can I do to help prevent my child from using internet pornography?
6. How can I monitor my child’s use of the internet?
7. What are symptoms of pornography addiction?