#066 How to Gently Get Back on Track-interview with Elizabeth Barbour, M. Ed.
This episode addresses how to gently get back on track. In the beginning of the pandemic our adrenaline was buzzing and we reached for comfort food, drank lots of alcohol, and binge watched our shows. This all made sense when we were in the acute phase of the pandemic, but now six weeks in we have entered into a chronic phase. The numbing takes a toll on how we feel. We can feel blah, sleepy, irritable and default into the why bother syndrome because we have gotten off track.
I have invited Elizabeth Barbour as our guest today to help us think through how to gently get back on track.
Elizabeth Barbour, M.Ed. is a passionate advocate for smart, sustainable self-care—especially for women who are juggling the demands of career, family, and life. Elizabeth has been an intuitive life and business coach, speaker, and retreat leader since 2000. She’s appeared on PBS and in Experience Life and Martha Stewart’s Body & Soul magazines. Elizabeth is known for her ability to inspire busy professionals to make Smart Self-Care an integral part of their plan for success in both business and in life.
For immediate inspiration, you can download 7 Daily Rituals for Self-Care, Sanity & Success (a free pdf) at www.elizabethbarbour.com.
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