# 061 What is a Mom Going to Do?
Moms, I want to encourage you in this global crises. I know your life is up in the air and upside down and for this reason I wanted to give you eight practical ways to stay grounded and steady in these uncertain times.
First, I want you to know that I am here for you. This is a very difficult and scary time for all of us, and especially hard on you moms. Your kids and teens are going to be home from school and quarantined in your homes for several weeks at least… And the hardest part is that we just don’t know when we will get past all of this.
I feel for you moms. This is going to completely mess up your day-to-day schedule and beyond. Most of us have had to cancel our fun plans for spring break and our teens are disappointed and we are too. But there are many more disappointments with sports and musicals and concerts cancelled at your teens school. For 8th graders and seniors this is not how they wanted to end their school year.
And this is really hard for moms, because we like structure, schedules, and certainty. The coronavirus has pulled the rug out from underneath us. Anxiety feeds on the unknown and we are surrounded with it. If you listen to the news for even one-minute, fear and anxiety can overtake us. Besides the coronavirus there are many other worries.
But there are some things we can do! In this episode I give you 8 practical ways to stay steady and grounded.