#002: Why Power Your Parenting?

#002: Why Power Your Parenting?

iStock_000003557599SmallIn this show you’ll learn how I define the POWER in parenting, in contrast to the counterfeit of true power which is force.

Many moms feel powerless instead of empowered in their parenting. One big reason for this is fear. When your teen is out of control you feel a mixture of fear, anger, and shame. Before you know it you are drawn into the drama vortex with your teen. This is when it’s easy to default into using force. The problem is force is destructive to your teen and your relationship. It doesn’t motivate or teach your teen anything except how to lose control and use force.

But there is a deep, authentic power that heals, instructs, and protects your teen and your relationship.It’s the power of taking care of YOU. It’s the power of your energy, clarity, knowledge, love, play, rest, strategy, and spirituality.

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