
  • How to Dial Down the Holiday Drama

    Recently a mom told me, “I’m so sick of hearing the song, It’s the most wonderful time of the year, everywhere I go.  Really . . . the most wonderful time of the year??? Here’s the deal. The holidays can be a huge setup for......

  • Really Enjoy the Holidays!

    It’s that time of year again. You pull out the Christmas and holiday decorations. You start planning and coordinating with your family about the holidays. They decide Christmas or Hanukkah should be at your house this year. You make sure that your yard and your......

  • Love Trumps Judgment: A Mom’s Journey

    As you embark on the incredible journey of motherhood, I want you to know that you are not alone. Over the past 30 years as a marriage and family therapist, I’ve had the privilege of listening to countless moms share their fears, worries, and truths......

  • Perspective: When Parenting Teens

    I was talking to Chelsea a 15-year-old girl a few days ago. She’s gorgeous and tall, yet she looked small sitting on my office couch. I asked her what was going on. She looked out the window and said, “Everyone hates me at school. I......

  • Teens and Pressure

    You want the best for your teen. You want her in the best school, taking the best classes. You want her involved and developing her abilities and skills. You want her to be challenged and all this is important for her brain development. But there......

  • When to Tune Out Your Teen

    Mothers have an amazing skill. Since your daughter was a baby you have learned how to tune in to her every look, movement, and sound she’s ever made. By the time your daughter is a teenager, your ‘tuning in’ skill is highly developed. Now, it......

  • Why Mother Fog is the Gateway to Drama

    What is Mother Fog? Mother Fog is when there are so many things going on at one time that you can’t think clearly. This happens all the time with mothers. It’s like your mind is covered with a thick, soupy, dense fog, and your thoughts,......

  • 5 Guidelines to Having Fun with Your Teen

    Remember Cyndi Lauper’s song from the 80’s, Girls Just Want to Have Fun. You might remember singing that song at the top of your lungs while driving to the lake with your friends when you were in high school or college. But that was a......

  • What To Do When Your Teen’s Upset

    Your teen is going to get upset. The question is how will you handle it? This is a hard one for moms. We hate to see our teens unhappy, so we jump in and try to fix it, but we make it worse. Your teen......

  • The Inner Game: Why Parenting Is So Challenging for Moms

    How would you answer this question? Why is parenting your teenage daughter so challenging? Is it your daughter’s attitude, defiance, rebellion, mood swings, and rude behavior? Is it her not obeying you or procrastinating? Is it her walling off in her room and not communicating?......