# 265 A College Degree is Not a Guarantee: Interview with Hannah Maruyama
Our guest today has a very fresh and unique perspective on whats next for high school graduates. I believe there are many paths to success and our guest today would agree. You will be shocked at how many careers don’t need a college degree. Degree Free founded by Hannah Maruyama has over 4 millions like on tik tok. Heres what Hannah says about herself.
My name is Hannah Maruyama, and I help parents and teens/young adults between the ages of 16-20 create custom career roadmaps that don’t require them to buy college degrees. From tech to trades. Midwife apprentices, drone pilots, sommelier training, dog grooming, sales, software developers, organ transplant techs, voice acting, watchmakers, salvage divers, recruiters, video game animation, anything!
My husband Ryan and I run @degreefree on Tiktok, which has over 100,000,000 views and the Degree Free Podcast (a top US Careers Podcast!).
To find out more about Hannah and Degree Free go to https://degreefree.co/
Follow on TikTok at https://www.tiktok.com/@degreefree?lang=en
Check out Degree Free Launch. Power Your Parenting listeners get a $500 dicount. Degreefree.co/launch