# 172 Changing Teen’s Lives with Hypnosis
Have you ever thought, “I wish I could just hypnotize my teen so that they would . . .”
Our guest today Dr. Ran Anbar is going to talk about how you can change teens and adult lives through hypnosis. Many people have negative connotations and misperceptions about hypnosis, Dr. Anbar explains hypnosis is not mind control over another person depicted in many children’s and adult movies. It’s the complete opposite. Hypnosis therapy helps people claim more personal power –over their bodies their feelings and their relationships.
Dr. Ran Anbar, MD, FAAP, author of new book “Changing Children’s Lives with Hypnosis” (November, 2021, Rowman & Littlefield). is board certified in both pediatric pulmonology and general pediatrics but what separates him from many doctors is the 25 years of experience he has treating children with hypnosis and counseling. He is considered one of the leading experts in this field and has served as a guest editor and advisory editor for the American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis. Dr. Anbar is on a mission to bring clinical hypnosis into the mainstream helping thousands of children benefit from this often misunderstood and under-utilized therapy. His new book is a down to earth guide on how this therapy works, including case studies of children he has worked with personally, with step by step advice for parents on they can take advantage of this non-invasive, painless method of treatment in caring for their children’s medical problems and emotional needs.
Here are some of the questions we explored.
- How did you find your way to hypnosis after several years as a practicing pulmonary and general pediatrician
- How can hypnosis help when medical therapy isn’t working
- Can hypnosis help teens with anxiety? And what would that look like?
- Is hypnosis the same as visualization or meditation? How are they similar and how are they different?
- What role does the subconscious play in hypnosis?
More info at https://www.centerpointmedicine.com/provider/ran-d-anbar-md-faap
Email at ran.anbar@centerpointmedicine.com