#146 You Can Begin Again
In this episode, I talk about the limits of New Years Resolutions and how that can be a setup for
disappointment. Instead, I suggest you commit for the next year to these two words, Begin Again.
Part of this is taking the pressure off of you to make big changes in January.
I talk about the power of intentions and taking responsibility for your life even if it’s only 5%.
Here’s some sentence prompts.
If I would take 5% more responsibility for my life and well-being I would
(write 4 things down)
If I would take 5% more responsibility living my passion I would…
(write 4 things down)
If I would take 5% more responsibility for the attainment of my goals I would
(write 4 things down)
If I would take 5% more responsibility for the success of my relationship I would
(write 4 things down)
If I would take 5% more responsibility for the level of my self-esteem I would.
(write 4 things down)
Moms we will get derailed from our best-laid plans. Your intentions remind you of who you want to be and what you really want. There doesn’t need to be any guilt, judgment, or pressure, you can just begin again