#115 Acceptance or Resignation: Is there a difference?
In this episode I want to show you the power of acceptance and how that is different than resignation.
When you hear, “You just need to accept . . .”, it can feel like resignation, like you are giving up and you’re losing the battle with your teen.. Actually the definition of resignation is the acceptance of something undesirable but inevitable.
I’m not talking about resignation. I’m talking about accepting your teen.
If you want to influence your teen and change negative behavior you need to accept your teen first. I know this can feel counterintuitive to moms. But acceptance is vital for your teens well being and mental health. Acceptance lays the foundation for a secure attachment between you and your teen.
Acceptance is needed for lasting and positive change. When your teen feels accepted by you, not only will this improve your relationship, but they will be more open to you and your guidance. Because when your teen feels valued and that you care for them no matter what, they will see you as someone who is worth listening to and following.