#094 selfless or Selfie Teen: Interview with Kim Laureen director of the award winning documentary ‘selfless.’
Moms, as you know social media has created a whole new set of problems for parents of teens.
I know trying to monitor screen time will bring out the beast in most teens. And that’s so draining to deal with that day after day. Today we are going to go deeper and explore the impact of how social media is impacting our teens. Specifically addressing this selfie generation. And how it’s not just about posting selfies it’s directly correlated with how many likes you get. This is a recipe for compulsive posting, anxiety, and poor self esteem with a dash of narcissism. Our guest today is not only a wealth of information she is offering you a tool to communicate with your teen about the impact of social media and selfies.
Kim Laureen is co founder of Fresh Independence Productions – a writer, speaker and advocate for youth and families at risk. Director of the award winning documentary ‘selfless’ Kim says being a mom of 8 has prepared her well and lends authenticity, compassion and understanding to the challenges families face today.
In this episode we discuss these questions.
- Why selfless?
- · How the film came to be… (inspirational back story)
- · What are some stats you have learned along the way?
- · What are the realities you are hearing from youth?
- · What did you learn parenting through 3 decades of teens?
- · What is your greatest concern?
- · What advice would you pass along to parents of teens today?
You can go to selflessmovie.com to watch and purchase via iTunes – Apple – Amazon or reach out directly to book a community screening license or workshop.