#092 Feast on Life: What to Let In and What to Keep Out
In this episode we are going to talk about what to let in and what to keep out. Another way to say it is where to tune in and when to tune out.
There is lots of drama, chaos, and fear swirling around our world right now. Therefore we are experiencing a lot of drama, chaos, and fear in our families. Just because the drama is swirling around you doesn’t mean you have to let it in. You have a choice. You don’t have to let the chaos, drama or fear inside of you.
We can stay centered, grounded and calm in the midst of an adolescent storm or a global pandemic and actually enjoy our day.
Yes we are living in some turbulent times. My goal here is to keep you afloat and keep the toxicity out of this holiday season and so you can feast on life. I don’t want you to miss the feast.