Who’s Ready for a New Start this New Year?
I want to wish you and your family a Happy New Year!
Before this year takes off with lightning speed, I’d like to encourage you to take some time to give yourself the gift of reflection.
See as moms we can be taking care of everyone else and lose touch with the most influential person in your life–you! And when this happens we lose the gift of reflection.
Many of you have kids at home this week and feel like you need a vacation from the holidays. If so you’re not feeling very reflect-full.
That’s why I want to encourage you to take two hours and schedule a little mini-retreat just for you.
If having some breathing room sounds good, then get out your calendar now and schedule your mini-retreat. (If you don’t do it now good chance you’ll forget about it.)
In a culture of distraction, it’s really easy to lose touch with what’s important to you, what needs to change and what you really want. Everybody else seems to demand your attention and there’s none left for you. Some of the signs that you are not in touch with you are that you feel emotionally flat, resentful, or you just don’t have much energy.
Here are some reflective questions that can be helpful.
- What are 10 things that I am most proud of from 2017?
- Where do I need a new start?
- What are my top 3 drains from 2017?
- What’s one thing I can do better to take care of myself in 2018?
- Where have I settled and given up hope?
- What is one word that you want to represent 2018?
- Where do I need more support? What can I delegate?
- How can I improve my relationship with my daughter?
- How can I be kinder to me in 2018?
- Am I living my most important priorities?
Most of you know about my book Dial Down the Drama: Reducing Conflict and Reconnecting with Your Teenage Daughter–A Guide for Mothers Everywhere.
This book has several chapters that can be used for your mini-retreat, and help you get your new start this New Year. Not only does it give you great practical advice concerning your teens, it’s a handbook for moms to live their best life.
That’s why I talk about the messages we get as moms that are not helpful and give you positive mom messages. I address how we can go from exhausted to get our “I feel good” energy back. I walk you through a process to help you get clear about your boundaries and consequences with your kids. I give you strategies to change the drama dance into a healthy dance with your daughter. I help you take back your power (and your schedule) so you feel like you are in control and not your daughter’s personal assistant.
If you don’t have this book or you know a mom who needs encouragement and practical how-to advice, click here to order your copy.