A Much Needed Break
You can feel it.
This morning is different. The house is quiet. My daughter had her best friend spend the night last night and they are sleeping peacefully. The pressure is gone.
It’s the first day of summer.
Woo Hoo!!!!
My daughter couldn’t wait for school to be out. (Just like your daughter) She was sick of finals and the pressure. She’d daydream about going to the beach and chilling with her friends. And I would have to reel her back in and encourage her to finish strong.
She was very clear that she needed a break.
Not only was she clear, and would day dream about what she wanted, she’d take the next step. She took action and made plans. And she’s reaping the benefits. She’s having a great time with her boyfriend and her friends. Her energy and joy is contagious.
Also, she is clear about what she needs. “Mom I need to sleep in.”
I think we can learn a lot from our daughters.
Moms need a break.
Summer is different for moms. We still have some perks. We get to escape the morning dramas with our daughter. (Since they are sleeping in) Though the pressure of school is over, we still have to get up and run the household and go to work. At times it gets more complicated. Your schedule is thrown off. Now you have to shuttle her around. And for the older teens, you have the pressure of making sure she is supervised and having TOO much fun.
So it’s easy for you can keep plodding along without taking a break.
But you still need a break.
Most of you have been dealing with stressed out daughters for the past month and that’s not fun. It takes a lot of energy to be on top of things with finals and activities. You’ve dealt with her emotional dramas and had to be her rock. You have dealt with her attitudes and snappiness.
You have done the hard work and you deserve a break.
Here’s what you can learn from your daughter.
1. Anticipate something fun. A little day dreaming could be helpful for you. Most of us when we get stressed have day nightmares and worry about everything.
2. Get clear about how you want to celebrate. What would you enjoy? What sounds nice? Who would you do it with?
3. What do you need to fill back up?
- You need to sleep in
- You need time alone to get clear and journal
- You need to play
- You need to connect with your friends
- You need to get your house in order (this is not a ‘should’ this is a want to)
4. Schedule it NOW.
Yes this is important. You deserve it. This is good for your heart and attitude. This will put a little spunk in your step.
PS. This summer is the first time I am going to offer my Power Your Parenting Program. It’s starting June 10th.
Take advantage of the slower pace of summer to create the life you want for you and your daughter.
The school year can be crazy busy and we find ourselves reacting to our life and just hoping to survive. But it doesn’t have to be that way. Use this summer to take care of you and create a strategy to enjoy your life and your daughter. I have some spaces available. Tell me you are interested and I will send you info on the program.
Juli Lejman-Guy
Please send info on the summer parenting class. Thank you.
Beth C
I am interested. Thanks.