Getting Past Worry
I hear this all the time…
“The absolutely worst part of being a parent of a teenager is the constant worry. It’s horrible!”
This worry, and sometimes panic is so exhausting that it makes it hard to get anything done…which magnifies the worry. Worry makes it impossible to enjoy your life or your daughter.
Worrying about your daughter can consume every minute of every day and will keep you up at night.
- You worry if she is going to be ok.
- You worry about her friends and all the drama.
- You worry if she is telling you the truth.
- You worry if you are doing the right thing.
- You worry that she will ruin her life, by making one big mistake.
- You worry about her grades, and her future.
- You worry if you have what it takes, to guide and protect your daughter in the teenage years.
And the sad part is…worrying will not protect your daughter. All this suffering will not help your daughter or you.
Believe me I have done my fair share of worrying, but it really doesn’t help anyone.
- Compromises your immune system.
- Increases the stress hormone cortisol, which decreases your happiness and increases weight.
- Amps you up with adrenaline which makes it hard to sleep at night.
- Keeps you from thinking clearly, in fact it feels like you can’t think at all.
- Has you distracted, edgy, and preoccupied.
Here’s the truth.
- Worry causes more drama between you and your daughter.
- Worry keeps you from enjoying your daughter.
- Worry is just a reaction to a scary situation, it’s not a solution. Worry alone will not protect your daughter.
You need a strategy to get past worry. Once you have a strategy, you can take effective action, and take care of business, which really eliminates worry.
This is the only way you can guide, protect and enjoy your daughter.
Worrying will not bring you peace. Having a strategy in place, and feeling supported will give you peace and protect your daughter.
“I have no idea, what the right thing to do is, how can I come up with a strategy.”
Most moms feel like the weight of parenting is all on their shoulders, but you don’t have to figure it out all on your own. It’s ok to get guidance.
Getting help and support for YOU is the first step to developing a parenting strategy and eliminating needless worry.
Don’t let worry rob you of these precious years with your daughter.
I am starting my Power Your Parenting Program March 4th. This program has been proven to get rid of needless worry. It changes lives, because it gives you a strategy. It will turn things around for both you and your daughter.
Both of you can enjoy the teenage years. Really!
If you are ready to have peace of mind, enjoy your life, and establish a great relationship with your daughter, hit reply, and I will send you information on my program. Reply now, it’s starting to fill up.
Maggie Sepulveda
Please send me information on your program for March 4th.
Colleen – I am interested in your class/services. My relationship with my teenage daughter is at it’s worst. I sent an email last week and didn’t get a reply.
Please reply.
Shauna Emery
Yes, I wold like to take part in this course.
Susanne Ballard
Please send me the details.