This Is the Year I Will _____________ .
“I am going to have a good relationship with my daughter this year.”
“This year I am going to get in shape and lose 20 pounds.”
“I am going to finish my book this year.”
“This year things are going to change with my husband.”
“I am going to quit my job and find work that I enjoy this year.”
Wouldn’t it be great if this was the year?
What do you really want to happen this year?
Do you get excited about the possibilities for 2013 or do you find yourself a little cynical about this being the year since you made the same promise last January.
But what if this was the year?
I believe it can, but you need a new strategy.
I’d like to share some strategies that have worked for me. They have helped me climb many mountains (both metaphorically and literally) in my life.
A couple of decades ago or more (that’s scary) I’d take teenagers backpacking for a week in Colorado. Every summer for 10 years I would go out in the wilderness with 14 kids from Houston. This was quite a change for big city kids, especially some of the girls who had never gone one day without makeup.
At some point during the week we would climb up to the Continental Divide and climb a 14,000 foot peak. I learned many life lessons from these trips that I would like to share with you.
8 Strategies to Climb Your Mountains in 2012
1. Your Attitude Determines Your Energy Level
The first day on the trail the kids would NOT stop moaning and complaining. “My pack is too heavy.” “When can I get a shower? My hair is gross.” “How long do we have to hike?” “I’m tired. I’m hungry.” “Seriously, where is the bathroom?” Complaining made the time move slowly and all of us were completely drained by the end of the day.
But by the second day the kids got a new attitude. They got to know each other on the trail. They relaxed and had fun. The kids were energized and moved at a great pace.
When you complain and whine you shift your attention from what you can achieve to what is wrong. This will drain your good energy.
Shift your focus to what you enjoy about life. Imagine reaching your goal. Hang around uplifting people. This increases your energy.
2. You Need a Detailed Map
We had a detailed topographical map that let us know exactly where we were. We checked the map frequently throughout the day to make sure we were going in the right direction. It gave us perspective and it also comforted us to know we were on track.
You need a detailed map to achieve your goals. You need to be honest about where you are in order to get where you want to go. You also need a clear destination. A map allows you to track your progress. It lets you know if you are on track and are going the right direction. A map gives you reassurance and perspective.
Without a map you will stay stuck where you are.
3. Step by step
Climbing a mountain can be overwhelming. That’s why you take it one step at a time. If we looked at how far we had to go, we would get discouraged and the complaining would ride in. But if we focused on taking the next step, we kept moving. This was especially true on the very steep and challenging parts of the mountains.
It’s easy to get discouraged and overwhelmed when pursuing your goals.
Focus on taking the next step. This is especially true where it feels the most challenging. You want to make sure the next step is doable. Each step you take will build your confidence.
The goal is to keep moving and not stop.
4. Expect Obstacles
There will be obstacles. Sometimes we’d get caught in rain, sleet or snow. One time I was hiking, and the soles of my boots came off, when I was hiking through snow. After the entire group managed to stop laughing at my mishap, we found a creative solution by wrapping a rope around my shoes to hold them together…and I did reach my destination.
* There are going to be obstacles but don’t let them stop you. You might have to wait and let the storm pass, but keep moving.
Obstacles are opportunities for creative solutions.
5. You need a Guide
You need someone with expertise to be your guide. I did not have the expertise to guide these kids through the wilderness, I was the counselor. I didn’t know the terrain and would be a frightening thing if I was guiding the kids through the wilderness. (We’d probably still be there.) You need a guide who knows the way and has the practical skills to get you there. You also want a guide who is encouraging and supportive.
We had fabulous guides. Because of their expertise, we were able to do far more than we thought was possible.
Find a guide who has practical expertise to navigate you towards your goals. You will end up accomplishing far more than you thought was possible.
6. The Rest Step.
The way you climb to the top of the peak is by using the Rest Step. The Rest Step is a very steady pace in which you rest your leg each time you take a step especially on the steepest parts of the climb.
Don’t burn yourself out by pushing too hard. You don’t have to do this frantic and overwhelmed. You can do this rested and at peace.
It’s important to find your own steady pace. Find a pace that works for you and your family.
7. Enjoy the scenery
I will never forget the beautiful streams, mountain flowers, meadows, aspen groves and rock formations on the trail. Because we were moving at a comfortable pace, I could breathe in the beautiful scenery and enjoy the rich relationships.
If you take it step by step you can enjoy the scenery. You will enjoy your life and the relationships on the path.
Enjoy your life now, wherever you are on your path.
8. Celebrate
It is an amazing feeling to stand on top of a 14,000 foot mountain. We were blown away at how far we had come. This was cause for a huge celebration.
And we celebrated the small victories too. We would celebrate when we would make it to the meadow for lunch and celebrate when we crossed the river. On the peak climbs, when it was extremely steep, we would celebrate each step we’d take.
It’s important to celebrate every step no matter how small. One of my clients said this week, “It’s the small things that make a big difference.”
Complete this sentence.
This is the year that I will ______________________________ .