Are YOU Having Fun Yet?
Most people would be jealous of Lisa; beautiful, in great shape, married to her soul mate, and lives in a fabulous home. She has one teenage girl at home and one in college.
Yesterday, in my office, Lisa was telling me about this great ski trip she had planned. It was going to be a surprise for her family. She worked out all the details so that her family would be happy.
What struck me as I listened to Lisa is that she looked so sad and exhausted.
I asked her, “What about you, what will make you happy?” Lisa looked at me with a blank stare, “I have no idea. I haven’t thought about it.”
You matter! Your happiness matters.
It is easy for moms to forget about their happiness. You give attention to your family, volunteering, work, home and a million other things, but you lose your heart and soul in the process. You end up not knowing what you want anymore.
No one wins if mamas not happy. If Lisa’s not happy the ski trip is not going to be fun for her family.
When you neglect yourself you are not going to be happy, and you can end up resenting your family. If you are not careful, you might even turn into the Grinch.
Too often we push through the holidays and forget the point is to enjoy them.
You hurry and get the decorations up and think, “Thank God that’s done.” You brag to your friends that your shopping is done because you got up at 4am on black Friday. At 11 pm you bake cookies that you are bringing to the Christmas party tomorrow. You rush home from work (listening to your newest Christmas CD) to get changed to hurry off to the party. You go to your party and say hello to 39 people and eat 24 cookies in one hour, and then you are off to your husband’s Christmas party.
Rushing through your Christmas activities and to-do list is not going to make you happy. You have lost YOU in the process.
It’s time to reconnect to YOU.
It’s time to factor in your happiness. What makes your heart sing? How can you be kind to yourself in the midst of taking care of your family?
First, you need to take care of you. If you’re too busy, you are going to miss your life.
Something needs to change. You can simplify, say no, delegate and hire help.
I know this can feel overwhelming but start with one small change.
- I will go to one party on a weekend night
- My daughter can help me with the baking
- I am going to enjoy my food and eat slowly
- I will limit the amount of gifts I give my family
- I will hire someone to help clean up after the party
- I will protect my time to exercise
Wouldn’t it be great if you …
- enjoyed the baking
- enjoyed decorating the tree
- enjoyed your food
- enjoyed the party
- enjoyed your family
- enjoyed your friends
- enjoyed your life
- enjoyed your holidays
Are you having fun yet? Make one small change today.