Ready to Dial Down the Drama, Reconnect with Your Teenage Daughter and Reclaim your Life?

Power Your Parenting

First Off, What Is It?

Power Your Parenting is a 7-week program exclusively designed for moms with teenage daughters who feel their relationship with their daughter is slipping away, they are finding more drama, and they are scared about the direction their daughter is going.  They feel a little out of control over their relationship with their daughter and with themself. Actually, they feel a little out of control over their whole lives.  What this program does is gently and carefully help moms (like YOU) step by step reclaim control, reclaim their lives, and reconnect with their teenage daughters.

Sounds great! What results can I expect from this?

This is the most common question I get so I am going to lay it out here from the beginning. Here’s what can happen during these next 7 weeks when I guide you through this program.

  You’ll be able to dial down the drama so you can spend more time enjoying your daughter.

  You’ll learn about the science of the teenage brain and why she acts the way she does.

 You’ll be able to create a proactive parenting plan that works.

 You’ll no longer be stressed or worried all the time. Instead, you will be at peace with your daughter and yourself.

 You’ll begin to release some of the common shame and guilt that most moms feel.

You will begin to feel trust in your own power to take effective action and communicate clearly.

 You’ll feel like yourself again.

You will learn how to set boundaries and say no, without long-drawn-out arguments. (HINT: There are probably several people in your life you need to set boundaries with!)

 You will experience a daily sense of accomplishment and be less overwhelmed.

 You will find that you like your daughter again, and she even likes you. (Without you trying to bribe her with a new cell phone plan.)

 (Take a deep breath because this one’s a big one.) You will become the woman your daughter aspires to become.

What do I get when I join you in the Power Your Parenting Program?

1. 49 Days of Mentoring and Guidance

Clarity loves structure and consistency. That’s why every morning for 49 days you will receive a lesson from me directly to your email inbox. They are mom-friendly, easy to digest, and practical. They help you get clear about one aspect of your life and parenting (don’t worry this won’t take you hours. It will only take you 10 minutes to read or listen to.) Each lesson builds on the other. When it’s over moms tell me they miss my daily encouragement.

2. The Power Your Parenting Tool Kit

“How do I apply this to my life?”

You’ll be given tools throughout the program that I call the Power Your Parenting Tool Kit, which includes exercises, templates, scripts, samples, and checklists. These tools help transform the information into insight, action, and change. One tool is the Power your Parenting Assessment that you take at the beginning of the program which helps you identify where you are and where you want to go.

3. Seven Group Q and A Coaching Calls With Me

Here’s the best part. This is not your usual home study sort of thing where you are on your own. You’re going to have seven Q and A ask-anything calls with Like-minded mothers. This is a group call where we all get on the phone together. You can bring your challenges, successes, and questions and I’ll be your coach. Often you need a mentor who has been there to support and guide you in real-time and in real-life situations.

I’m never too far away before you can have access to me on the next call. Moms love these calls because they find out there not the only ones, that other moms face the same challenges. These calls will be held every Thursday at lunchtime.

4. Sunday Check-in

Every Sunday for 7 weeks you will receive your Revitalized Mom Worksheet: A Weekly Reflection. Give yourself the gift of taking fifteen minutes to reflect on all that you have learned this week. Instead of rushing on to the next thing, this worksheet will help you identify new insights, big a-ha’s, victories (no matter how big or small), and challenges. It is also structured to start shifting your attention from what’s wrong to what’s working and from living reactively to living intentionally. This is also a tool to help you keep on track.

Each Sunday I want to know how you are doing! Send me your Revitalized Mom Worksheet or send me a summary of how you are doing in an email. This will enable me to best serve you in our coaching calls with like-minded mothers.

5. The Guide to Powering the Parent Team (BONUS)

This audio recording of my best (how-to) advice will be delivered to you immediately after you sign up.

Here’s what I know. Drama can spread through the household and can divide mothers and fathers. Having been a family therapist for 25 years, I’ve seen how parenting issues divide couples. Too often parents aren’t on the same page and end up very angry and blaming the other. The drama definitely kills couples’ passion, fun, and libido.

You’ll learn . . .

  • How to avoid the common pitfalls for parents of teens.
  • How to bulletproof your marriage from a teenage drama.
  • How to get on the same page.
  • How to parent strategically as a team.


Here are the steps you will be moving through in the Power Your Parenting Program:

Week One: A New Perspective

There are unrealistic and impossible expectations that are placed on moms today. They come to us as implicit messages from our culture. I call these Powerless Parenting Messages because they deplete energy and leave us disempowered. Moms need new healthy messages that are realistic, empowering, and encouraging which I call Power Parenting Messages.

This perspective helps you . . .

1. Replace worry with effective parenting techniques.

2. Be your best and let go of perfectionism.

3. Feel lighter.

Week Two: A New Clarity

If you ever spilled coffee on your white shirt on the way to work, or completely forgot about a meeting at school, you definitely need this week. This means you’re in mother fog. The problem is your daughter is clear. She knows she doesn’t want to clean her room. She knows she wants to go out. Clarity trumps fog every time.

This week I’m going to help you . . .

1. Get clear on your parenting.

2. Know what you truly want, and what your priorities are.

3. Learn how to live intentionally, instead of reactively.

Week Three: A New Energy

A Mother provides love, structure, and protection. To do this you need lots of good energy.

We’re great at pouring out our good energy but we’re not great at replenishing this energy. It feels selfish or we think we’ll get to it later, which is why so many moms feel depleted. This week you’ll learn how to get you, I feel good energy back, and be your best yourself.

You are going to learn . . .

1. Why your life is like a cup.

2. What exactly is draining your energy? 

3. The Five Essential Areas To Feeling Good.

Week Four: A New Connection

This week you’ll work on the relationship with your daughter. All the current research concludes it is much easier to change a relationship with positive experiences than trying to undo the past. That’s why this week I help you create meaningful and positive experiences with your daughter.

And there’s more . . .

You may be like most moms I’ve worked with. You don’t really remember what you like to do, or what is fun anymore. And, you don’t know what a break is or what you would do if you had one. Don’t worry I’m going to gently lead you and you won’t feel guilty.

I will teach you…

1. What a healthy relationship with your daughter looks like.

2. How to have satisfying conversations with your daughter.

3. How to create fun experiences with your daughter.

4. How to turn up the fun and delight in your life.

Week Five: A New (drama-free) Way

If you have ever wondered what’s going on in that teenage brain. Well, you’re going to find out. Why is your daughter on top of the world one minute and hating her life the next? Why is she so dramatic saying things like, “Everyone hates me” and why is she so disrespectful?

This week you will learn . . .

1. Why is the teenage brain hardwired for conflict?

2. How to help you break the “drama” patterns.

3. How to empower your daughter through consequences.

Week Six: A New Action

This week you’ll learn how to take your new clarity and put it into action, and more importantly, get it scheduled. Instead of being stuck in indecision, you’ll learn to power your decision.

This week you will learn . . .

1. How to take conscious action.

2. Proactive and positive ways to protect your daughter.

3. How to take back your calendar.

Week Seven: A New Direction

This week we’re creating momentum for a new future by integrating everything you’ve learned from the past six weeks. You’ll be given the tools for staying on course.

You are going to learn . . .

1. How to create the team you need.

2. Learn productive ways to motivate your daughter.

3. Identify your next steps.

When is it and what’s the schedule?

The Power Your Parenting Program will start Monday, October 2nd, 2023 and you will receive your daily lessons for the next 7 weeks.


What’s the cost?

Truly the price of this program is less than one new outfit for your daughter. The happiness from this may last 24 hours at the most, however, the benefits you will get from this program will last the rest of your life. So if you are going to splurge, then do it for something deeper that is going to give you a real relationship with your daughter and not just a cool outfit. (By the way, your daughter will think that outfit is so not cool in about a month.)

The total value of this program is well over $2000. (Don’t worry this is not the price!) Right now I am offering this program for less than a fourth of that.

I am offering this program for the low price of $499. You can pay this in one or two payments. Sign up today. Space is limited. This is for an intimate group of moms and you’ll get a lot of attention and support from me.

The question you need to ask yourself is how much is your peace of mind worth because you really can change your relationship with your teen. You don’t need to suffer any longer? You don’t have to be resentful of how things have turned out. It can change now! Don’t waste any more of this precious time with you and your daughter.

Are you still unsure? Here’s how you can really relax.

I want to make this as easy for you as possible. I have worked with thousands of moms and helped change hundreds of relationships with their daughters. This is my purpose and mission. I am so completely sure that you’re going to be so blown away by what you get from working with me for the next 7 weeks in the Power Your Parenting program that I am offering a full no questions asked Power-Your- Parenting- Money- Back- Guarantee.

What this means is that if you go through the next 7 weeks and if you have shown up for the calls, are fully engaged and you still feel this hasn’t helped you, I will give you all your money back. You have up to the very last day of the program to tell me and I will give you a full refund.

At the end of the 7-week program . . .

1. You are going to feel empowered, energized, and hopeful again because of a new parenting mindset.

2. You going to move out of self-doubt, frustration, and confusion, and stand firm in your clarity (and you’ll sleep better too!)

3. You will walk away with a proactive parenting strategy and a strategy for you to live well.

4. The biggest takeaway is that you won’t miss these precious years with your daughter.

Ok, I’m in, what do I do now?

Have Questions?

If you have any questions about this program and if it’s right for you and your situation, email Colleen.